Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Religion in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Religion in Africa - Essay Example African independent churches formed as a result of the political, social, and economic conditions that were prevalent in Africa at the time. Independent churches were formed as a way of protesting against colonial rule and how Africans, despite being considered equal to Europeans as Christians, were treated as lesser human beings. In most circumstances, Africans resented that they were forced to abandon their own ways and communities by the colonial governments through the influence of Christianity, so that these governments could continue to dominate every aspect of their lives (Mosala, 1985). They felt that Christianity was an extension of colonialism and this made it difficult for them to accept a European led church as part of their lives. These circumstances sowed the seeds of dissention among them as well as the need to remove themselves from the authority of European-led missions and to create churches of their own. As political movements against colonial rule, independent churches took an active part in rejecting the European way of life and chose instead to look back towards the African way of life where they be lieved that they were better off (Machoko, 2013). Their rejection of European ways ensured that they gained followers who felt the same way and this allowed these churches to thrive as they created a new niche for themselves within the Christian community. These movements had charismatic leaders who ensured that they took the first steps towards breaking away from their mother churches and form churches that were truly independent from ones of western origin through the integration of African practices. Independent churches came into being as a place of refuge for those Africans who did not have enough authority or economic means to protect themselves within their societies (Oduro 2006). These churches were highly attractive to the poor, oppressed and outcasts in their communities for whom

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